Does The Clothes Dryer Kill Germs? Myth Or Friction

Does The Clothes Dryer Kill Germs

Have you ever wondered while waiting for the familiar beep of your clothes dryer, "Does The Clothes Dryer Kill Germs?" It's a question that might tickle your curiosity as you do your weekly battle with a mountain of laundry. Well, you're in luck because we're about to tumble into this topic with the enthusiasm of socks getting lost in the dryer. In an age where cleanliness is not just next to godliness but downright essential, understanding the germ-busting capabilities (or lack thereof) of our household appliances is more important than cracking the mystery of the disappearing socks.

Navigating through the steamy jungle of myths, facts, and sayings old wives handed down through generations, we aim to answer the burning question: Does The Clothes Dryer Kill Germs? Spoiler alert – it's a bit more complex than a simple yes or no. Like unraveling a tangled sweater, we’ll meticulously pick apart the threads of truth to give you a clear, warm, and fluff-free answer. Get ready to find out if your dryer is just a hot air blower or a bona fide germ-warrior in disguise.

I. Understanding How Germs Spread

A. Overview of Germs and Their Proliferation

Germs, those tiny microorganisms that can cause diseases, have an incredible knack for spreading. They travel from person to person, surface to surface, making no exception for the clothes we wear. Given the right conditions, germs can multiply rapidly, taking over any space - visible or invisible to the naked eye.

B. Specifics on How Do Germs Spread

Germs spread in numerous ways - through contact with infected individuals, touching contaminated surfaces, and yes, through our clothing. Each hug, handshake, or even the act of setting down a purse can be a potential carrier of germs.

C. Role of Clothing in Germ Transmission

Clothing acts as a vehicle for germs, carrying them from public spaces to the sanctuary of our homes. Every errand run, subway ride, or gym session could introduce new germs to your personal wardrobe.

D. Impact of Laundry Practices on Germ Spread

Effective laundry practices play a crucial role in breaking the chain of germ proliferation. How you handle, wash, and dry your clothes can significantly reduce or contribute to the spread of germs at home.

II. The Science Behind Clothes Dryers and Germ Elimination

A. How Clothes Dryers Work

  • Heat Setting: Clothes dryers operate by blasting heated air through tumbling clothes, extracting moisture. The heat setting plays a vital role in germ elimination.
  • Tumbling Action: This helps in exposing all surface areas of the fabric to the heated air, ensuring thorough drying.

B. The Concept of Heat Killing Germs

  • Required Temperature and Time: Scientifically, heat above certain temperatures can kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Typically, a temperature of around 140 degrees Fahrenheit maintained for at least 30 minutes is deemed effective for sanitizing.
  • Studies and Research Findings on Dryer Effectiveness: Research validates that dryers set at sufficient heat settings for adequate periods can significantly reduce the number of harmful microorganisms in fabrics.

III. Evaluating Laundry Habits

A. The Washing Process

  • Role of Washing Machine in Removing Germs: Washing machines, especially when paired with the best laundry detergents or natural laundry detergents, can remove dirt and some germs. However, it's the heat and mechanical action that counts.
  • Best and Natural Laundry Detergents for Disinfecting: Choosing the right detergent is crucial. Opt for products with antibacterial properties or those specifically designed for disinfecting.

B. Pre- and Post-Washing Measures

  • Wet Laundry Handling Practices: How you handle wet laundry, whether in a bag or basket, can affect germ spread. Ideally, wet laundry should be moved to the dryer promptly.
  • Importance of a Clean Clothes Garment Rack: For air-drying, ensure the rack is sanitized regularly to avoid contaminating freshly washed clothes.

C. Factors Influencing Germ Removal During Laundry

  • Load Laundry Size: Overloading can hinder effective cleaning and drying.
  • Water Temperature: Hot water is more effective in killing germs, but it's not suitable for all types of fabric. The sanitizing cycle on modern washers uses hot water and additional rinsing to kill germs.
  • Use of Sanitize Cycle and Chlorine Bleach: For households dealing with sickness, these options can be instrumental in disinfecting clothes.

IV. Clothes Dryer's Role in Sanitizing Laundry

A. How Dryer Kills Germs

  • Effectiveness of Heat and Time: Studies show that drying your clothes for a minimum of 30 minutes at a high enough temperature can effectively reduce germ load.

B. Importance of Drying Your Clothes Properly

  • Why Clothes Smell After Washing: Improper drying can leave clothes damp, a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, causing unpleasant odors.
  • Correct Use of Hot Cycle and Dryer Settings: Utilizing the hot cycle and ensuring your dryer is set to the right temperature and duration is key in germ elimination.

C. Myths vs. Facts: Dryer Kill Germs Reality

Many believe any dryer cycle will sanitize their clothes, but without the proper heat and time, germs are likely to survive the spin.

V. Additional Tips for Hygienic Laundry Practices

A. Selecting the Right Laundry Basket for Wet Clothes

Your laundry basket could harbor germs from previous loads. Opt for materials that are easy to clean and disinfect.

B. Ensuring Complete Drying - Avoiding Dampness

Even slightly damp clothes can become a hotspot for bacteria. Always ensure clothing is completely dry before folding and storing.

C. The Role of Sanitize Cycle in Washing Machines and Dryers

If your appliances have a sanitize cycle, using it can enhance your efforts to make your laundry germ-free.

D. Using Clothing in the Dryer - Dos and Don’ts

There are right and wrong ways to use your dryer. Overloading, underheating, or incorrect cycle choices can diminish the appliance’s germ-killing potential.

VI. Limitations and Considerations

A. Types of Germs and Their Resistance to Heat

Not all germs are created equal. Some, like viruses, are more heat-sensitive, while certain bacteria can withstand higher temperatures.

B. When Extra Measures Are Necessary (Illness in the Household)

During illness outbreaks at home, ramping up your laundry sanitation process, including using chlorine bleach safely, can prevent the spread of infection.

C. Safe Use of Chemicals like Chlorine Bleach in Laundry

Chlorine bleach is effective but must be used according to safety guidelines to avoid damaging fabrics or causing harmful reactions.


In a nutshell, a clothes dryer can be a formidable foe against germs when equipped with knowledge and the right practices. While not all germs wave the white flag at the sight of your dryer, understanding the importance of heat, timing, and overall laundry practices can drastically reduce their ranks on your clothing. Armed with this information, you're now ready to tackle laundry day with germ-busting confidence. Remember, it's not just about washing and drying; it's about doing so in ways that outsmart those unseen adversaries lurking in your laundry basket.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take for bacteria to kill in the dryer?

To effectively kill bacteria in the dryer, it typically requires at least 30 minutes of drying time at a high temperature. However, the exact time can vary based on the dryer's settings and the fabric's heat tolerance. Utilizing a high heat setting for durable fabrics is advisable to ensure the elimination of bacteria.

Does putting stuff in the dryer kill germs?

Yes, putting items in the dryer can kill germs, provided the dryer is set to a high heat cycle that lasts for at least 30 minutes. The combination of heat and the tumbling action helps to eliminate a significant number of germs and bacteria present on clothing and other fabrics.

How do you sanitize laundry?

To sanitize laundry, use a laundry detergent that has disinfecting properties or add a laundry sanitizer to your wash cycle according to the product's instructions. Washing with hot water and then drying on a high heat setting further aids in effectively sanitizing your laundry and minimizing bacterial presence.

Does the laundry machine disinfect?

A laundry machine can disinfect provided it is used with water at a high enough temperature and with a detergent that includes disinfecting agents. Some newer laundry machine models come with specific sanitizing cycles designed to kill germs more effectively than regular cycles.

Does putting pillows in the dryer kill germs?

Putting pillows in the dryer on a high heat setting for at least 30 minutes can kill germs effectively. It is important to check the care label on your pillows to ensure they are dryer-safe and to select a temperature that will not damage the pillow material while still effectively eliminating germs.

Can bacteria survive drying?

While a high-heat drying cycle can kill most bacteria, some hardy bacteria can survive drying, especially if the cycle is at a lower temperature or shorter duration. To maximize the reduction of bacterial presence, it is advisable to use the highest heat setting that is safe for the fabric type and ensure the items are completely dried.

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